What to do if something is not working properly.

Here you can learn about some of the steps you can take if tf2.store is not performing as it should.

Agent 0
Written by Agent 0Last update 3 years ago

Since TF2 Store is in beta, it is possible that bug can occur. It is important to note that we are doing everything in our power to tackle any bugs we find as soon as possible.

All that being said, the best course of action to take if you find a bug or vulnerability is to report them to us and let us take care of them. When reporting a bug please provide as much information as possible - preferably with screenshots.

In accordance with our Terms Of Service to which you agree to be bound by when you access our website ALL of tf2.stores users and visitors must report any bugs and vulnerabilities directly to our staff. They agree to not sell or share bugs/vulnerabilities to/with any unrelated third parties. They also agree to not exploit those vulnerabilities and report them ASAP.

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